Archive Guests 2019
Anthony Daniels
This year in December the last Star Wars film is coming out, an end to a saga that has been spread over more than 40 years and that has connected billions of people across generations and borders in their love for this series. We are so proud to announce the one constant in the Star Wars universe, the only actor who can be seen in all Star Wars films through time and space as the main guest at Comic Con Antwerp. Without further ado: none other than Anthony Daniels aka C-3PO is coming to Comic Con Antwerp! Together with BB-8 (Brian Herring) and R2D2 (Jimmy Vee), this is the largest Star Wars Droid reunion that Europe has ever known! Antwerp: These ARE the droids you are looking for!
Anthony Daniels will be attending both days and will be available for autographs and photoshoots.
Price Autograph: € 50
Price Photoshoot: € 40
Austin St. John
We are so incredibly proud to announce the next guest’s coming to Europe and more specifically to the beautiful city of Antwerp
at Comic Con Antwerp! He’s one of the most famous Power Rangers world wide and is a true fan favourite! We’re of course talking
about Austin St. John aka Jason, the original Red Power Ranger! A very striking and loveable character that contributed immensely
to the mega success of the series.
It’s Morphin’ Time in Antwerp! He will be present on Comic Con Antwerp on both days for autographs and photoshoots!
Price Autograph: € 40
Price Photoshoot: € 40
Mark Williams
He’s the warmest father figure of the entire Harry Potter universe and he’s coming to visit our Muggle world at Comic Con Antwerp! Everyone knows him as Arthur Weasley, the wizard who has a strange interest in the Muggle world(“What’s the use of a rubber duck?”), but we’re of course talking about the immensely talented Mark Williams! His interpretation of the familyman turned wizard warrior who bravely fights the Dark Lord for peace and justice makes his character both loveable and heroic! A truely unforgettable performance.Mark Williams also appeared in Doctor Who as Rory’s father and main character Father Brown in Father Brown.He will be present on Comic Con Antwerp on both days for autographs and photoshoots!
Price Autograph: € 25
Price Photoshoot: € 30
Jimmy Vee
We are once again incredibly proud to present the next guest for Comic Con Antwerp 2019.
This year the last Star Wars film of this sage is coming out and to celebrate this, we invited a very famous friend for BB8 (Brian Herring).
No one less than R2D2 is coming to Comic Con Antwerp 2019!
We are talking about Jimmy Vee, best known as the actor for R2-D2 in Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, replacing the late Kenny Baker, who passed away in 2016.
We can already talk about a legendary Droid Reunion at Comic Con Antwerp this year.
However, Jimmy is not only known for Star Wars but also played various roles in Dr. Who like Bannakaffalatta in the 2007 Christmas specials and a goblin in Harry Potter.
Price Autograph: € 25
Price Photoshoot: € 30
Brian Herring
BB-8, undoubtedly one of the most famous droids from the Star Wars universe, is coming to Comic Con Antwerp 2019!
We’re of course talking about the super talented Brian Herring, who brought BB-8 to life with his incredible skills and talent.
He made BB-8 into a real, funny, warm and sensitive character in the last movies! Brian also puppeteered the iconic Porgs! He will be present on Comic Con Antwerp on both days for autographs and photoshoots!
Price Autograph: € 30
Price Photoshoot: € 30
Jake The Snake
Jake The Snake Robberts
We are incredibly proud to announce a true WWE Wrestling Legend at Comic Con Antwerp.
He wrestled with and against greats such as Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Machoman Randy Savage and many others.
He brought psychology into wrestling like no other and his style was undoubtedly revolutionary for its time by taking a snake into the ring.
We are of course talking about Wrestling legend Jake The Snake Robberts!Jake is one of the few wrestlers who had the honour to be induced in the WWE Hall Of Fame! He will be present on Comic Con Antwerp on both days for autographs and photoshoots!
Price Autograph: € 40
Price Photoshoot: € 40
Cancelled Actors
Daniel Portman
With the immensely popular hit-series HBO’s Game Of Thrones coming to an end next week, we are incredibly proud to announce our next guest.
You will know him as one of the main characters of Game Of Thrones as Podrick Payne (often called Pod) Tyrion Lannister’s squire during the War of the Five Kings.
But since Tyrion’s arrest for the murder of King Joffrey Baratheon, he has been in the service of Brienne of Tarth since.
We are of course talking about Daniel Portman!
Price Autograph: € 30
Price Photoshoot: € 30

Kevin Eastman
There are only a handfull of artists that have created a world where hundreds upon thousands
can dream away in. You had Hergé with Tintin, Peyo with his Smurfs, JK Rowling with Harry Potter and Stan Lee with his Marvel Universe. Not much difference with what this artist did from
his little studio at the beginning of the eighties. He plunged you into a world of skateboards, pizza, martial arts, mutants and sexy reporters with the dark streets of New York City as background.
Now, more than 30 years later, these characters are world famous! We are of course talking about KEVIN EASTMAN(USA), the creator and writer of THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES! Only European appearance in 2017 and he chose Brussels! Cowabunga, dude!
Price autograph: €20